A small street scene created in OpenGL to showcase graphics programming knowledge. Used both the CPU and the GPU (via shaders) to create dynamic light, an efficient particle system, skeleton animation, and more. Models and textures from free model websites.
Project Duration: 1 week
Software Used: Visual Studio, OpenGL
Languages Used: C++, GLSL
For a the Advanced Graphics for Games module in my final university year, we were asked to showcase our ability with graphics and shader programming and make a cyberpunk-inspired scene. I decided to set my scene in a stretch of a rainy street, with soft neon lighting and animated bystanders. As the project went on, this evolved into a more current-day style street, though cyberpunk elements remain with floating cars. A set camera track travels through the street, though free camera and split-screen options were available too.
Some of the graphical capabilities the scene demonstrated include an efficient manually-modelled particle system, advanced lighting, skeletal animation, scene graphs and more. The coursework involved combining lots of shaders in the graphics pipeline to bring everything together to create a visually appealing scene.
"The scene is enhanced significantly with the introduction of the rain particle system...
and the final result is still a very visually pleasing demo that should work well as a quick video."
- Rich Davison, Advanced Graphics for Games module leader